Hardcover Book Printing in China

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Children Book Softcover Book Printing Hardcover Book

Hardcover book printing knowledge

Hardcover book is the perfect combination of advanced technology and equipment and exquisite hand around us Hardcover common applications: word dictionary, hardcover book, classics, advanced reading, Daquan books, yearbooks. The following examples explain the child hardcover book production and processing technology.

Hardcover related information

1. Hardcover Features

Book turned mouth thumb index core hole, cut three sides of the book block has rolling Chrysostom, leather cover with a zipper, tissue printing, fillet processing.

2. Binding material

Folio size is 32 open (125mm*185mm); the paper is a basis weight of 30g / m2 of Bible paper; books envelope of 150g / m2 paper jam mounted leather; ring liner is a basis weight of 150g / m2 of offset paper; according to the hardcover book design requirements, ring liner is printed in black on the ground; Germany Kurz stamping foil material selection; in addition, purchased from the market milk-white plastic, leather (pigskin), zippers, stickers, etc. material.

3. Binding Equipment

Flattening machine, pressure slot machines, three side trimmer, dual bronzing die-cutting machines, sewing machines, as well as thumb index hole, rolling Chrysostom special equipment.

Book core processing

1. Process

Flatten -> first gluing -> cutting -> Three grinding (rough grinding, fine grinding, grinding) -> rounding, from the ridge -> the second gluing -> sticky ribbon and glued book block block head cloth -> Third gluing -> stick gauze and stick backs paper -> cutting -> roll Chrysostom -> Processing thumb index hole -> paste logo

2. Processing Highlights

(1) The backs of the book block thickness round potential is calculated after rounding arc length of book block thickness is about 1.2 times the book block.

(2) caught in the middle of the book block pages ribbon, glued to the head end of the book back from the day at about 10mm, the length of the diagonal length of the books subject to normal after straightening below book should go beyond the core 10-20mm. General thin book using a ribbon, but taking into account the contents of the hardcover book is divided into two parts, for ease of reading and research needs, processing design uses two ribbons.

(3) sticky plug cloth, the position to be correct, is not skewed, edges cloth plug should be exposed to the book block, the bottom cut out, and parallel to the cut surface. Plug fabric width is generally 10-15mm, length is the book back arc.

3. Processing Features

(1) Fillet

 1.According to the book format size and the thickness of the book block, determine the fillet radius, its range is generally 2-8mm. If the customer has recommended values, bindery also can refer to.

2.rounded the rough grinding, fine grinding is done by machine, grinding done by hand.

3.Since the fillet parts subject to wear during use, so the fillet process requirements more stringent.

(2) rolling Chrysostom

Requires rolling Chrysostom 

1.shiny gold and can not have off phenomenon, especially in the rounded portion; ensure clean production and processing environment, because in the process once the dust attached to the cut, hot off the track, the will here the formation of white spots, resulting in rolling out Chrysostom gold phenomenon.

2. Under normal circumstances, no matter how much book format size, light book cut three sides representing the core of the finished book block three incisions are required to add up 1mm, polished three incisions used during the process of loss.

(3) The thumb index hole

According to customer requirements, the specific content of the books, design the arrangement of thumb index hole. If the hardback thumb index hole total of 39, are arranged in four rows design, forward two rows, two rows back.

The processing elements are as follows:

1. individually record certain order to identify where the thumb index hole page specific page number, as a preparation before processing.

Tool diameter

2.special equipment for a variety of specifications, which were used when drilling, final diameter than the thumb index hole special tool diameter slightly larger, but not too large, especially careful not to damage the version of the heart.

3. requirements thumb index hole layout is reasonable and consistent uniform size; require spacing between the holes thumb index equal; require smooth cut thumb index hole, it does not allow flash; cut before focusing on inspection to identify the location of the side of the thumb index hole is smooth.

4. customer's requirements into account the contents and books, to meet the technical requirements of the premise, and processing parameters needed to identify custom thumb index.

Books envelope processing

1. Process

Gluing -> stick Cover -> bag corners -> flatten -> indentation (only for decoration) -> Stamping -> zipper

2. Processing Highlights

(1) book of the four sides of the envelope to bond firm, does not allow loose, foam, wrinkles and other phenomena.

(2) Surface books envelope with four rounded corners for a flat service regularly to keep the site no corners rounded.

(3) Book four sides edging envelope size to be consistent, the wrapping width is determined to 15mm, standard package in the range of 12-16mm wide side of.

(4) the envelope of each fillet book hit 6 fold, which theoretically requires less than five, and the number of pleats 4 rounded rounded to be consistent.

We should do the preparatory work before the zipper (5) books envelope processing.

(6) books envelope processing is completed, the zipper teeth cut three sides are not allowed contact with the book block and to avoid damaging the roll Chrysostom.

Fit processing

1. Process

Hardcover book Fit general process flow: seam adhesive coating of a pressure trough shape of a shell swept away a flattened liner

2. Processing Highlights

(1) side floating port to be consistent, Folio size floating port 32 open standard width of.

(2) casing immediately after the operation is completed to the pressure tank, because setting effect when the adhesive has not dried yet the best.

(3) the amount of adhesive should be minimal sweep lining and uniform, does not overflow when applied, do not spend and seamless coating phenomenon.

(4) pressure tank after tank line must be straight, no wrinkles, no cracking, creasing clear and smooth.

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