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IDC Asia Pacific 3 d printing market report

IDC recently released a study report, the asia-pacific region (excluding Japan) of 3 d printing market spending will be at a 23% compound annual growth rate continues to rise, are expected to reach $4.3 billion in 2019, is three times as many as 2015.

According to IDC, a market research report pointed out that the following areas will be the main contribution of the 3 d printing market growth in the region.

A, discrete manufacturing

Discrete manufacturing is the main force of the 3 d printing market in the asia-pacific region, accounting for 60% of the market, the compound annual growth rate of this field is expected to reach 15%.

Second, aerospace and military industry manufacture

Aerospace and military industry manufacture 20% of the market, its 3 d printing market spending is expected to reach $550 million in 2019.Aerospace, China and Singapore area of 3 d printing market is growing rapidly.

Three, mould and parts

The market share accounted for 23% of this field, but especially Australia region market demand.

Fourth, dental and medical care

3 d printing in the field of dental market is another important growth force, the compound annual growth rate is expected to 2019 is 26%, other medical 3 d printing application of continuous mining will also promote the region health care of 3 d printing market growth.

The rapid growth of the 3 d printing market in the asia-pacific region, in addition to technical progress and application extension, the support of the government is also an important key factor.

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